Sheona Ann Photography

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creative photoshoot: Tears of pearls or rather changing perspective

The Universe sends us signs

Where your attention goes energy flows…it really does.

Collaboration is an exchange of energy and one of my big beliefs. A big part of my why.

Creating a space for people to discover a new sense of being, to connect to new found confidence is one of the fundamental reasons I pick up my camera.

Photography Projects with purpose and deep rooted authenticity make my heart smile, so when I was contacted back at the beginning of the year by one of my favourite entrepreneurs Sashka about one of her heart projects, there was no doubt in my mind that I was all in.

(…), my inquiry is the following, if a services exchange between you and I were possible( …) for a portfolio? So that he can use this to a) build confidence within himself to be photographed by a ’stranger’ (…) and b) see tangible results of his efforts (…) to get himself out into the market as a model (..)

4 months later Sashka and Elias flew into Bonn for a weekend of monumental growth.

Elias is a newbie to modelling, this deep rooted dream is pulling him out of a cocoon of past scars into the wind of international change. The metamorphosis began from the get-go of our two days of working together. Extensive planning and idea exchange were of course a huge must, just as crucial was the willpower to push through fear, to trust a stranger (me) and accept being vulnerable. And the fear busting happened. Iconic imagery was created but more importrantly a seed of hope and possibility was planted.

Personally, I pushed my visual boundaries well into the unknown. Playing with an editorial approach, I used strobes, colour, new angles as well as crazy outfit combinations. Through seeking growth and change my work evolved and that is hugely cool.

Below is the visual proof of our energies combining and creating magic!

Thank you Elias and Sashka for an amazing life altering week-end!